I know I have been horrible with blogging everyday but there has been so much going on that some days it just completely slips my mind. So I believe I briefly mentioned about this rash that i've recently developed on my body. It started on my stomach and in the past couple of days has spread to the back of my legs, back, arms, and hips. I've been told its calld P.U.P.P.S and is harmless to me and the baby but just hurts and itches like hell. I have scabs from scratching lol so i'm to the point of being a lot better at resisting the urge to scratch. Long story short that alone has been keeping me pretty well occupied! Yesterday and Today despite of the itchyness I have been feeling a little better and was able to get a lot acomplished. But honestly i'm just ready to completely feel better. This has just made me focused on seriously being conscious of taking care of my body and dealing with whatever emotional issues I have been holding in. Perfect health and wholeness is the order for my life. I'm believing it and so it is. Besides that I went to pick up some brand new baby clothes today from a friend of mine and my moms named Camille who just had her baby boy 3 weeks ago and I'm so grateful!!! Plus i got to discuss music with her hubby who is a cool guy so that was pretty amazing. I haven't seen Nick in like a week which is wierd but hey I guess we needed the space. And Raerani had her little babygirl yesterday so i'm so stoked to find out how it went. Theres a lot going on in baby land but its all beautiful. My bf Brit who is also expecting is coming over in a bit to hang out and go to the movies, so that should be fun. I feel myself bouncing back and I wouldnt have it any other way.
Love and Light.